April 10, 2014

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Cycleway over the Auckland Harbour Bridge

A resident in Northcote has voiced his concern in the Herald that the proposal to build a cycleway across the Auckland bridge will result in a cars blocking up the local streets. This is view seems to overlook that cyclists usually will ride to the bridge rather than go by car and then use their bikes to get across the bridge. However his concerns are not a surprise given the car centric vision of many Aucklanders.

Anyone who has ridden across the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco will realise that having a cycleway on the bridge will have a significant impact on the local economy as well as improving the city as a place to live in and visit. The local economy is likely to get a significant boost from the tourists and other visitors to the city going onto the bridge both walking and cycling. The impact of the Rail Trail in Otago is an example of the impact that these projects can have on the local economy.
 The costs of the proposed cycling projects pale into insignificance when compared to the roading projects. The Waterview connection alone will cost $1.4 b.

Cycling on the approach to Golden Gate Bridge


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